Presenter: Lesley Egler, Ph.D.
Presenter: Lesley Egler, Ph.D.
Summer 2025 Dates & Times coming soon
In-person workshop
Location: Carroll School, 45 Waltham Road, Wayland, MA
This in-person workshop is for professionals who want to make discerning use of test results to maximize student academic progress, but do not have specific knowledge of what these tests measure or how to analyze and critique the results.
It will expose participants to the rationale behind a broad range of tests commonly used in the evaluation of children and adults with reading, language, and related learning difficulties. Specifically included are: tests of intelligence/cognitive functioning, achievement, perceptual abilities, memory, attention, executive functioning, language skills, and a wide range of reading tests.
Selected case studies will serve to demystify the basic statistical concepts and properties of standardized, norm-referenced tests. Participants will have the opportunity to apply their knowledge in a collaborative setting among peers. Participants will leave with a working knowledge of sample test batteries and test profiles.
The workshop is designed to empower educators to become competent, confident consumers of evaluation reports that diagnose reading, language, and learning abilities, as well as an understanding of the implications of specific test profiles for strategic instructional programs and plans.
12 PDPs available
Workshop Fee: TBA
- Educator Workshop
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