⭐️Belonging is being understood on every level.
“We are data obsessed at Carroll,” says Allison West, Middle School Division Head. “It is a constant thread in the conversations among our teaching teams.”
From the moment a student applies to the moment they graduate, student performance data are foundational to a Carroll education. A robust set of data informs how students are grouped academically so children with similar learning profiles are working together and feeling appropriately challenged.
“We have one type of learner—students with language-based learning differences—but each one presents in a different way,” explains Allison West. “Tracking students’ data allows us to look for trends and patterns so we can better understand the relationship between their cognitive and academic profile, determine where certain skills are lagging, and intervene effectively.”
As Upper School Assistant Division Head Andrew Nimmer emphasizes, data can also shine a necessary spotlight on where kids are making progress—to help students advocate for themselves, capitalize on their strengths, and celebrate victories.
What types of student data does Carroll use?
This article is part of a series from Carroll Connection 23-24: The Belonging Issue
- Carroll Connection 2023-24