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Summer School at Carroll School teaches students with dyslexia

Academics and outdoor fun for students with dyslexia.

The goal of Summer@Carroll is to change the lives of children with language-based learning difficulties. We balance academics and play, seeing each child individually, while cultivating a community of like learners.

Summer program educators cater to students’ individual needs — from teaching decoding, to reinforcing skills learned during the school year, to preparing students for high school.


The program allows her to avoid academic regression while exposing her to students who are just like her.Summer@Carroll Parent

Summer@Carroll 2024

We asked students what they like about Summer@Carroll. Watch what they had to say!

Learn about Our Summer Programs

Location & Hours

July 1 through August 2, 2024
(*no program July 4 & 5)

Summer@Carroll aims to give each child what they most need to succeed academically.


Summer@Carroll Aims to: 

  1. Give each child what they most need, attending to areas of academic, social, emotional, identity, and cognitive development.
  2. Strengthen skills, deepen understanding, and minimize regression in academic areas such as reading, spelling, writing, and math.
  3. Connect children who have language-based learning differences with a community of peers who also learn differently.
  4. Build a diverse, equitable, and inclusive community that values, supports, and celebrates all facets of identity for our students, families, and staff.

Welcome to Summer@Carroll.

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