Lower School (Grades 1-5)
Guiding students to become confident, skilled learners and kind humans.
Every Carroll student is an individual with a unique personality, lived experience, and abilities that deserve the chance to shine. With that in focus, our Lower School educators design their interventions, approaches, and curriculum to be holistic and flexible enough to provide every learner with the skills, techniques, and academic content they need to realize their incredible potential and succeed in middle school and beyond.
The Lower School community is built on a foundation developmentally tailored to children ages 6 to 11 years. We rally around the principles of Empathy, Respect, Inclusion, and Kindness (ERIK) which shines through in the classroom, at recess, in the Bounders woods, and on the playing fields.
At each grade level, there are distinct identities and curriculum traditions that create a sense of flow to the Lower School experience. Whole community events such as Fall Festival, Ruby Bridges Day, and Today’s Hoorays create a warm, welcoming way for students and staff to connect and celebrate with each other.
Carroll School Curriculum
Carroll School's curriculum and approach is designed to give each child what they most need to become confident, skilled learners. We emphasize skill development, learning strategies, and mastery of content over prescribed curriculum.
We customize schedules and curricula to ensure students are supported, challenged, and making progress. Daily schedules include a Focus Area block that delivers instruction in a student's areas of greatest need. Our educators are exceptionally well trained in research-backed approaches and empowered to customize instruction—to ensure every Carroll student succeeds.
No student is pulled out, and no student is left behind.
We balance academics with activities that grow students' strengths and interests.
62% of a student's schedule is dedicated to targeted academics with the remaining time focused on nurturing their dyslexic gifts.
Academics & Programs
- OG Focus Area and Language Arts
- Math
- Science and Makers
- Flex Block
- Speech and Language Support
- Team Time
- Targeted Cognitive Intervention (TCI)
- Multis: Art, Music, Makers, PE, Bounders
- Library
- Technology
OG Focus Area and Language Arts
Science and Makers
Flex Block
Speech and Language Support
Team Time
Targeted Cognitive Intervention (TCI)
Multis: Art, Music, Makers, PE, Bounders
Whole Child
We believe that a commitment to a child’s healthy social and emotional well-being goes hand-in-hand with academic success. At the Lower School, students start each day in Morning Meetings with their homeroom using Responsive Classroom activities to create positive, healthy, and emotionally-secure learning environments - and happy, confident kids. We also help students make inclusive and positive connections through recess, community service, talent showcases, spirit days, our annual Fall Festival, and so much more.