Dress Guide
What to Wear
*Updated 9-4-2024
Carroll School's Dress Guide is designed to be gender-equitable, allow for individuality, encourage a neat and clean appearance, and promote a positive educational atmosphere. Students are expected to wear appropriate and sensible clothing to school at all times. The School administration will use judgment to determine appropriate dress. If the School determines that a student’s dress is inappropriate for school, the student will be required to change their clothing and may be subject to disciplinary consequences. If parents or students are unsure of the appropriateness of the clothing item, it should not be worn to school. Students are expected to follow these clothing guidelines:
- All clothing should be clean.
- All clothing should provide adequate coverage. The student should be able to move comfortably without exposure of undergarments, backs, midriffs, chests, and buttocks. Sheer or see-through clothing, holes, rips, and/or tears should not expose any of these areas.
- No clothing should be decorated with messages expressing hateful or vulgar terms; derogatory references to an individual’s identity (i.e., race, religion, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, disability, etc.); messages or symbols advocating violence, alcohol, drugs, any illegal item or activities; or politically-charged clothing.
- Pajamas and slippers are not appropriate and are not permitted.
- Students may wear hats inside as long as the hats do not interfere with learning.
- Proper footwear should be worn at all times and should not mark the floor. Flip-flops are not allowed.
Bounders Participation Dress Guide
Students participating in Bounders will be notified of the clothes they need for their activities. Students must bring a Bounders bag with a season-appropriate change of clothes. This bag is left at school. Parents/caregivers who need support acquiring Bounders clothes should contact their division head.
Middle School Dress Guide for PE
Middle School students are expected to change and bring appropriate clothing for Physical Education and Bounders. Gym clothes should consist of sweatpants and/or shorts, a t-shirt, and sneakers. If students have gym first or last block of the day, they may wear gym clothes to school or home from school, but they must be within the Dress Guide for all other parts of the school.
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