Back to School Checklist
2024-25 Checklist
Before School Starts
☑️ Health and School Forms - Health Forms and Permissions in Magnus must be completed prior to your child attending school. Information from these forms goes directly to our school nurses and other administrators to ensure your child is safe and has all necessary accommodations in place at school. |
☑️ Transportation Form - Prior to starting in Sep, complete the Transportation Form to let us know how your child will arrive at school and be picked up at the end of the day and who has permission to drop-off and pick-up your child. After school starts, please email any permanent transportation changes to the registrar ( For transportation changes on a specific day, please complete the Daily Change in Pick-Up Form. |
☑️ Medications - Prepare your child’s school medications for the new school year. Check expiration dates and be certain that you have obtained new medication orders for the school year from your child’s healthcare provider and that you have completed a Parent/Guardian Authorization form for Prescription Medication Administration (in Magnus). Upload both of these completed forms to your child’s Magnus account. Please contact your child’s school nurse to arrange for delivery of the medication to school. Lower School: Katie Smith, RN or Erin Hanley, RN (781) 314-9811 Middle School: Dario Azzone, RN (781) 314-9710 Upper School: Donna Linstrom, RN (781) 314-9836 |
☑️ Summer Assignments - Find Summer Assignments for new and returning students by grade. |
☑️ Supplies - Carroll School will provide all school supplies, except headphones. Students should bring dedicated headphones (wired, no bluetooth please) to use at school (with microphone for Middle & Upper School students). Backpacks should be large enough for a laptop (5th grade and older), three-ring binder, books, other school-related supplies, and lunch/snack. |
☑️ Dress Guide - Be aware about what to wear, Carroll Dress Guides are here. |
☑️ Snack, Lunch, Water - Parents pack a snack daily and lunch (Monday-Thursday, and Friday if attending sports or the Friday Program) that does not require refrigeration or heating. Students should bring a water bottle clearly labeled with their name. Water filling stations are available throughout our buildings. |
☑️ Chromebooks & Chargers - For Grades 5-9, students should bring their Carroll-issued Chromebook and power cord to school each day. Please have Chromebooks fully charged at home each day before coming to school. For Grades 1-4, school-issued Chromebooks will remain in school. |
☑️ Drop-Off & Pick-Up Procedures - Follow these Drop-off and Pick-up procedures for your child's campus to ensure safety of our community. Let us know if there is a change in transportation plans over the course of the year. Any transportation changes should be reported to us by emailing the Registrar. |
☑️ Absent/Tardy/Early Dismissal Notification - Notify the school when your child will be absent, tardy or being dismissed early by completing the Attendance Form. |
☑️ Sunscreen & Insect Repellent - Please apply sunscreen and insect repellent (follow package directions or instructions from your healthcare provider) to your child each morning before school. Our goal is to get outside as much as weather will allow. The Massachusetts DPH has noted that we should expect that EEE (Eastern Equine Encephalitis) and WNV (West Nile Virus) will continue to pose a threat in MA this season. |
☑️ Monitor Symptoms of Illness - Monitor your child daily for symptoms of illness. Refer to the Health Services website for COVID policies & procedures and many other resources from our school nurses. Keeping students home when there is ANY possibility of sickness or exposure will go a long way in reducing the spread. Lower School: Katie Smith, RN or Erin Hanley, RN (781) 314-9811 Middle School: Dario Azzone, RN (781) 314-9710 Upper School: Donna Linstrom, RN (781) 314-9836 |