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Sports Programs

Our Interscholastic Sports Program for Middle & Upper School athletes emphasizes developing athletic skills, sportsmanship, leadership, teamwork, confidence, social skills, and the ability to compete both physically, intellectually, and emotionally.

Sports include: soccer, cross country, flag football, ice hockey, basketball, lacrosse, track & field, ultimate frisbee, and golf.

Athletics Calendar

Winter Sports Teams

Click icon below to go to the team website for information and game schedules.

Ice Hockey at Carroll School
Ice Hockey
Girls Basketball at Carroll School
Girls Basketball
Boys Basketball at Carroll School
Boys Basketball

Spring Sports Teams

Click icon below to go to the team website for information and game/meet schedules.

Cross Country at Carroll School
Track & Field
Flag Football at Carroll School
Ultimate Frisbee
Boys Soccer at Carroll School
Boys Lacrosse
Girls Soccer at Carroll School
Girls Lacrosse
Flag Football at Carroll School
Flag Football at Carroll School
Coach Mike Kmetz and Charlene Kmetz at Carroll School's Fall Festival


Mike Kmetz, Athletic Director

Email Coach Kmetz

Call the Sportsline: 781-314-9700

How to Enroll in Athletics

Interest Form for Spring 2025 opens on February 5. An email will be sent to parents/caregivers.

Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Spring 2025 Sports Programs

Sports Registration Checklist

Please read fully and carefully before enrolling your child in a sports program.

☑️ Physical Exams - Log in to your Magnus account to check the status of your child's physical exam. In order to participate in Carroll athletics, your child's physical must be dated no more than 13 months prior to the start of the season (the Spring season begins on March 24, 2025). The Next Action Date listed in the Annual Physical Exam section is the date that the physical will no longer be current. If the Next Action Date (expiration date) is prior to 3/24/2025, please make arrangements for your child to have a physical, as they will be unable to participate in any team activities (practices or competition) until the physical is current. Any new physical exams should be uploaded to Magnus so our school nurses can approve them and clear the athlete for play.
☑️ Complete Required Forms - Pre-participation requirements include a Head Injury/Concussion History form, a consent for medical treatment during extracurricular athletics form, an emergency medications plan, acknowledgement of concussion and substance use prevention resources, and a link to Carroll's Concussion Policy. Parents of student athletes can complete these forms alongside their mandatory health/medical and school forms required for all students prior to the first day of school. If not completed at that time, you will begin receiving automated emails from Magnus soon after you register your child for sports notifying you that there are requirements in need of completion.

☑️ Know the Concussion Policy - Carroll's Concussion Policy describes a partnership between athletes, coaches, parents, counselors, nurses and faculty that is essential for the management of head injury/concussion in our student population. Please note that if your child sustains a head injury or reports symptoms during a team activity, the coach will remove them from play and contact you. Your child will be referred to their PCP for an assessment and clearance to return to play/return to academics.  If your child sustains a head injury outside of school, please contact the school nurse immediately to discuss a management plan.

☑️ Select Emergency Medication Plan - If your child is prescribed emergency medications (i.e. inhalers, epipens) for asthma or life-threatening allergies, there are two options for ensuring that their meds are accessible to them during team activities. (1) You may provide a dedicated set to the coach who will store them in their equipment bag for the duration of the season, or (2) You may choose to have your child carry the medications to sports each day, and notify the coaches where they will be located. Please note that if you choose option 2 and the medications are forgotten or otherwise unavailable, in an emergency situation the coaches would call 911 to activate emergency medical services.

Upcoming Games & Meets


February 2025
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
Sunday, January 26
Monday, January 27
Tuesday, January 28
Wednesday, January 29
Thursday, January 30
Friday, January 31
Saturday, February 1
Sunday, February 2
Monday, February 3
Tuesday, February 4
Wednesday, February 5
Thursday, February 6
Friday, February 7
Saturday, February 8
Sunday, February 9
Monday, February 10
Tuesday, February 11
Wednesday, February 12
Thursday, February 13
Friday, February 14
Saturday, February 15
Sunday, February 16
Monday, February 17
Tuesday, February 18
Wednesday, February 19
Thursday, February 20
Friday, February 21
Saturday, February 22
Sunday, February 23
Monday, February 24
Tuesday, February 25
Wednesday, February 26
Thursday, February 27
Friday, February 28
Saturday, March 1